Elizabeth Loaiza nude modelling video

Elizabeth Loaiza nude modelling video

Elizabeth Loaiza nude modelling video

Check out here an amazing Elizabeth Loaiza nude modelling video, you can find the Youtube link at the end of this post. Remember that you will need to have a Youtube account to see that video, as it contain some hot content 🙂

Elizabeth Loaiza Junca (born 1989) is a Colombian model, beauty pageant winner and helicopter pilot.

Elizabeth began modelling at the age of 4. She won the Miss Mundo Colombia (Miss World Colombia) beauty pageant in 2006.

Cover of countless magazines such as SoHo, which has been ported four times, Don Juan, Novias, Tv and Novelas, Vea, among others. In 2015 was an image of Colombian Clinic of Obesity and Metabolism, and protagonist of a music video of John Paul Ospina called Doin ‘it.

Elizabeth Loaiza nude modelling video

Did you liked the Elizabeth Loaiza? If that was the case, we strongly recommend you to check the photo gallery in the beach we posted some days ago.

If you want to know more from Elizabeth Loaiza, we recommend you to check her official Instagram account.

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