Kirbbyy as Morrigan captivates us with their mesmerizing portrayal of this iconic character from Darkstalkers. Morrigan, hailing from the dark and mystical realm of Darkstalkers, is a succubus known for her seductive charm and formidable powers. Kirbbyy’s cosplay brings Morrigan to life, capturing her allure and otherworldly beauty with stunning accuracy.
Best Erocosplayers – a comprehensive and extensive ranking that honors the finest 135 talents in the world of erocosplay. This esteemed list has been meticulously crafted through hard research by our dedicated blog team during July and August 2023. We scoured websites like Graphtreon and HentaiCosplay. to identify and recognize the best erocosplayers who have captured the hearts of fans worldwide.
Today we bring you an amazing and cosplay of Tsunade by Kirbbyy
Tsunade by Kirbbyy
As you might now Tsunade is one of the most recognizable characters of the famous series Naruto. In Today’s post we are brining a great cosplay made by Kirbbyy also known as KIRBEE.
Tsunade character is, along with Jiraiya and Orochimaru, a former student of the Third Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Tsunade is well-known for her extremely large breasts (106 centimeters, according to Jiraiya’s estimate), despite the fact that Jiraiya referred to her as “flat-chested Tsunade” during their childhood.
We will all agree that the 106 cm of the character are incredible depicted here! Kirbbyy knows how to make good cosplays indeed!
You can check more great cosplay of that talented cosplayer on her official Instagram or on her official page.